Is it Safe to Travel After April 14 or April 15 2020
Travel after April 14 or April 15: We all know that the whole world is going through its worst phase due to the Coronavirus’ pandemic Outbreak.
As per the media accounts, reports and other information sources, there have been more than 7000 reported cases of coronavirus all over India.
Unfortunately, 250 people died due to Coronavirus’ pandemic Outbreak. All the viruses prevention organizations, labs, and hospitals are preferring to stay home and avoid outdoor activities. The more we stay at home, we get more safety.

We all know that the number of cases is increasing day by day. As a result of this Coronavirus’ pandemic Outbreak, the government of India decided to prevail 21 days lockdown all over India.
This immediate action was taken by our central government to stop the spread of Coronavirus all over India.
obviously, when everyone would stay home and try to maintain social and physical distance, then there would be a good effect on this entire situation. This 21 days lockdown would get over after April 14 2020.
Is there a chance to increase lockdown in India after April 15?
In this lockdown time, everyone is asking whether this lockdown will proceed further or can we start our work again. Can we start travelling again?
But right now the situation is very critical in India due to coronavirus. Corona infected cases are increasing day by day. So The PMO of India “Narendra Modi” take serious action against this and they have decided to extend the date to 30 April.
Hence the lockdown period has been extended till 30th April
When school & College institutions will open after 14 April?
In those days of lockdown due to coronavirus everyone just want to know that possibility of an opening institution in India after 14 April 2020.
It is difficult to make a decision by the government of India that colleges, schools and another coaching will be open or not.
It is difficult to decide by the government of India that colleges, schools and another coaching will be open or not.
Will CBSE class 12 exams 2020 be conducted any day after April 14?
Central board of secondary education(CBSE) will announce the class 12th exam after the lockdown. Once I get any update we give you details on this post. You can check about 12th and 10th class CBSE exams.
Now the question arises in everyone’s mind that is it Safe to Travel After April 14 or April 15?

The answer to this question is in little bit uncertainty as we cannot predict the actual situations, after April 14 or April 15.
No one would have the appropriate information to answer this question -” is it safe to travel after April 14 or April 15. One can only predict that might be it is safe or might not be.
“Lockdown: is it safe to travel after April 14 or April 15 ?” Or “travel without Coronavirus infections, after April 14 or April 15 possible or not “. To know the answers to these questions, Now we need to have a look upon the facts.
Nowadays we are having social and physical distance and wearing masks, gloves and sanitizing out hands to avoid the infection from Coronavirus.
So if we are planning to travel after April 14 and after April 15 without Coronavirus infections then firstly we must keep in our mind clearly that we have to maintain social and physical distance with others
and also have to wear masks and gloves and sanitize ourselves to avoid infections until the Coronavirus’ pandemic Outbreak lasts in our country or world. Then only it’s safe to travel without Coronavirus/ travel after April 14 and after April 15.
There are also so many precautions that need to be taken after travelling April 14 or April 15.
Here is a list that would help us to get the answer to the question – “Lockdown: is it safe to travel after April 14, 2020?”
How to be safe from coronavirus while traveling?
Precautions must be taken to remain Safe to Travel After April 15 2020:

- Sanitize our hands with sanitizers or Alcohol-based soup: The first and supreme guideline of the ministry of health and medical sciences is to wash our hands clean periodically, frequently or regularly with the use of alcoholic hand wash or soap with water to kill the basic origins of this outbreak.
- Be socially and physically distinct: There should be at least a range of a meter between ourselves and another body while coughing and sneezing. The reason behind this precaution is, whenever any person coughs or sneezes, they spread micro-fluid droplets of germs through their mouth and nose. So we should carry a mask as well, covering our mouth and nose.
- Don’t touch body parts frequently: we should avoid needless touches to our eyes, nose and mouth as well because these are the points that can pick up the germs and viruses. It may reach our body and can make us infected as well.
- Have a concern for health and hygiene: we must have to follow proper hygiene. We must use masks, gloves, tissue papers while coughing and sneezing and then dispose of them in dustbins properly.
- Take medical care: we must prefer proper medical advice and care if we are sick. The symptoms are coughing, sneezing, difficult breathing, fever, weakness, etc. We must take proper home rest and stay home to stay healthy should be the preference.
Secondly, we need to know the travel restrictions after the lockdown is over. Can you book train tickets for travelling after April 15?
Now, the answer is here. The ticket booking or train reservations were stopped only for the period of 21 days lockdown, all over India.

The ministry of railways of India gave its statement through media and news sources that the train tickets booking has begun after April 14 and after April 15.
When the prime minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi announced the 21 days lockdown in India then the railways announced that there would be suspending all the booking and reservations till the lockdown is over. The process of refunding money is underway.
Finally, the key to the question – ” Can you book train tickets for traveling after April 14 or April 15? It has been cleared that we can book train tickets for traveling after April 14 or April 15.
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Final Words:

The answer to the question: “Lockdown: is it safe to travel after April 14 or April 15 “ has been cleared.
One can travel after the lockdown is over but need to take necessary steps and precautions as per the instructions and guidelines of medical sciences Institutions.
And the answer to the query – ” can you book train tickets for travelling after April 15?” , Has been also cleared. The reservations and booking are open after the lockdown is over.
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