The Taos Hum
The Taos Hum is the mysterious droning and buzzing sound which has got heard in places like England, Bristol, Bondi, Taos, and Australia.
The noise once slowly creeps in the dark of the night and never goes away. We also call this steady, droning sound Hum, which can be heard in places as disparate as N.M., Taos, Largs, and Scotland.
The causes of Hum and why this sound only affects a small percentage of the population of certain areas remains a mystery.
Despite the number of scientific investigations, No one could know the causes and reasons behind it.
During the 1950s, the reports started trickling from people who had never heard anything unusual before that time. People are bedevilled by an annoying, throbbing, low-frequency humming or rumbling sound.
These cases seem to have many factors in common. Usually, the Hum gets only heard indoors, and the sound gets louder at night than in the daytime.
It gets more heard in rural or suburban environments. Taos Hum’s reports are rare in urban areas because of the steady background noise in crowded cities.
Taos Hum Where

It is perhaps an important phenomenon that gets experienced in various locations of the world. It appears at a low frequency.
The Taos Hum, the mysterious droning and buzzing sound, has gotten heard in places like England, Bristol, Bondi, Taos, and Australia.
Taos Hum Solved
According to most researchers’ investigation, Hum expresses some confidence that its phenomenon is real. However, the result of mass hysteria is not right.
As in the case of Kokomo Hum of the United States, the industrial equipment usually gets the first suspected source for producing the Hum.
At one time, Leventhal was also able to trace the noise to the neighbouring building of the Central heating unit.
The other suspected sources of the Hum include high-pressure gas lines, wireless communication devices, electrical power lines, and many other sources.
Hum has only been linked to mechanical and electrical sources in a few cases.
Some speculation is that the Hum could get the result of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, which is audible only to some people.
There are also some verified cases in which the individuals have particular sensitivities to the signals outside the normal range of human hearing.
According to medical experts, Tinnitus is likely to be one of the causes of Hum. They repeated this testing and later found that many hearers have normal hearing when there are no tinnitus occurrences.
Environmental factors often get blamed, including seismic activity like microseisms at low frequencies and very faint earth tremors, which ocean waves can generate.
Other hypotheses include military experiments and submarine communications, which have yet to bear any results.
Hum hearers must resort to white-noise machines and other devices to reduce the annoying noise they hear.

Leventhal recommends that some hearers turn to cognitive behavioural therapy to relieve the symptoms caused by the Hum. It seems confident that this sound Hum puzzle can be solved soon.
Despite many experiments and investigations, Taos Hum’s mysteries remained unsolved. Is the alien spaceship hovering over the earth the real cause of the Hum?
Leventhal told the BBC that it has been a mystery for more than 40 years and may remain a mystery for a longer time.
Like many things in science that remain unexplained, it does not mean that they will also stay unexplained mysteries. The mystery may get solved very soon.
There are various potential causes of the strange and droning noise, and there can be different explanations for every reason.
Is the Taos Hum real, or is it the imagination of human beings? It will get solved soon by further research down the line.
Audio Reproduction [Taos Hum]
The main thing peculiar about the Taos Hum is that they are no obvious sound sources. They are no earthquakes, no nuclear explosions, and nothing.
The vibrations triggered by the cataclysmic events did nothing, and the Hum continues to be there.
An audiologist said that she recorded the steady wave of 17 cycles per second, with the harmonic rising to 70 cycles per second near the Taos Hum. The shallow range of human hearing is 20 to 30 cycles per second.
Tom Moir and Fakhrul Alam, professors of Massey University from New Zealand, have begun their research on the “Unidentified Acoustic Phenomenon.”
Humankind should figure out if there is a sub-audible worldwide humming. It can even be dangerous.
Windsor Hum Solved
Windsor, Ontario, is the other Hum hotspot. The researchers from Western University in London, Ontario, and the University of Windsor got a grant recently to analyze the Windsor Hum and identify and determine its cause.
Taos, New Mexico Hum
The Taos Hum is a “buzzing noise” that can frequently get heard in Taos in New Mexico. Thus we started calling it “Taos Hum.”
There is so much acute that natives of Taos banded together to ask Congress to find out the reason for the noise!

Hence the investigators are trying very hard to figure out the source of the noise. People who claimed to hear this noise say that it sounds like “a faraway diesel engine.”
Though they do not know much about this mysterious hum, it gets known that anyone can hear this hum around the world. Some hearers also say that earplugs make the sound even worse.
Most elite scientists cannot find the specific source of this sound. Some scientists say that the military frequencies are the cause of this sound. Other people say that Taos Hum is the communication of living rock.
Unfortunately, no one knows for sure, whatever it is, and also, we may never get to know the proper cause of this sound, which plagues our ears.
Theories proposed by some scientists are:
- The signal can be the form of audible magnetism.
- There may be no such sound, and it is merely a widespread medical complaint of sorts.
- The strange noise could get caused by the lost spirits trying to get to the other side.
- This mysterious Taos Hum could get the echo of seismic activity.
- The Hum sound could link to the technology of military communication, which gets known as Shallow frequency.
Taos Hum Phenomenon
People living in any Hum-prone areas mentioned above can hear this buzzing sound.
According to the study of the year 2003 by the acoustical consultant Geoff Leventhall of Surrey from England, most people who hear this sound are between 55 and 70.
People who hear The Hum say that this sound is similar to the sound of a diesel engine idling nearby.
Retiree Katie Jacques from Leeds, England, has told the BBC that sometimes, this sound is a kind of torture you want to scream. Leeds is the place in Great Britain where the Hum has recently appeared.
She said that the sound is worst at night. It becomes tough to get off to sleep because she hears this droning sound in the background.
A person gets more and more agitated about the noise and tossing and turning all night.
Taos Hum Great Big Story
Bristol in England was the first place on this planet where the Hum got reported. In the year 1970, around 800 people heard a steady droning and thrumming sound in the coastal city, which was eventually blamed on vehicular traffic and the local factories working 24-hour shifts.

The other famous Hum occurs near Taos, N.M., which started in the spring of 1991. The local people of this area complained of low-level rumbling noise.
The researchers from the University of New Mexico, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and the other regional experts could not identify the leading causes of this droning sound.
Windsor, Ontario, is the other Hum hotspot. Researchers from the Western University in London, Ontario, and the University of Windsor got a grant recently to analyze the Windsor Hum and identify and determine its cause.
The researchers have got investigating the Hum in Bondi for several years. Bondi is a seaside area of Sydney in Australia.
One of Sydney’s residents has told the Daily Telegraph that the sound has sent all the people around here crazy, and you can only put loud music on to lock this sound. Some people leave their fans on so they do not hear this sound.
What does Taos hum sound like?
The Taos Hum has been portrayed as a weak rambling sound, like a diesel motor standing by somewhere far off.
In the study of the year 2003, which got financed by the Indian city’s municipal government, the Kokomo Hum got isolated in the United States. In this investigation, two industrial sites got revealed.
One is a Daimler Chrysler Plant producing noise at a specific frequency. Some local people of the area continued to complain about the Hum even though noise-abatement measures got taken.
Hence wait for the mystery to get solved soon!
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