Strategies to take during your cbse exam

Adding to the pressure of exams, the revision process can be daunting. Sticking to deadlines, maintaining a good work-life balance and chasing down requisite notes from lecturers and tutors are all situations that lead students to avoid revising as much as they should.

However, by making some strategies for exam you could boost your exam grades with only a little more effort. To ace, your 11th class ncert solution strategy follow the below points

1. Make the most of your time

The most obvious solution is to get a good night’s sleep the night before your exam. You won’t be thinking clearly if you haven’t had enough rest.

An average person needs between six and eight hours of sleep every night but to be at the top form for an exam, you should aim for around nine hours.

Try to go to bed early so that you’ll have plenty of time in the morning, but don’t leave it too late either, as stress can ruin your chances of getting a good night’s sleep.

2. Shun social media

If you know you need to revise, then don’t waste time on Facebook and Twitter. As much as they can be entertaining, they could also be a distraction.

Friends and family members are often putting their lives online and this can make it hard to focus. Instead, make a list of revision points that you want to talk through with your friends if they contact you during the study period.

Let them know that there’s no point in contacting you during exam time because your attention will be elsewhere.

3. Set aside more time to revise

If your timetable is particularly busy, then think about setting aside some extra time for revision. Aim to have it done a couple of days before the exam, it is one of the best strategies for exam, so you know it’s been thoroughly looked over.

If you’re not able to put your revision into the plan in advance then take a look at this article on the best revision methods.

Strategy for Exams

4. Take a break

Sticking to deadlines is impossible if you don’t take a break. Make sure you schedule some time to go for a walk or do something that doesn’t involve revising.

If you’re feeling particularly energy-drained, grab a cup of tea and catch up on some TV or a good book that will help you switch off.

You need to keep your mind fresh and revitalised to improve your grades with only a little more effort on the revision process.

5. Don’t use too much caffeine

Coffee can boost mental alertness and focus, but it can also create anxiety for some people, which is what you don’t want when taking an exam.

If you have a habit of drinking caffeinated beverages such as lattes, black coffee and energy drinks, then challenge yourself to substitute them with decaffeinated teas so that you won’t feel too jittery.

6. Go back to basics

If you’re one of those students who usually carry around lots of notes to help with revision, then now is the time to go back to the basics. Check over old notes and highlight key points that you want to remember.

Many students make the mistake of holding on to so many revision aids that they can easily become disheartened when they realise how many notes they have with them.

If you’re working off scraps of paper, you won’t be in a position where your notes are overwhelming and it’s more likely that you’ll remember what’s written on them.

7. Take a break

Make use of your lunch break between lectures and tutorials.

It’s also worth thinking about how you’re spending your study time as a whole. Is there something that is slowing you down? Is there some part of the revision process that could be quicker? Being able to pinpoint this early on could help you to improve your revision by half an hour or more.

For example, if you’re revising notes during tutorials, try turning off distractions such as Twitter and Facebook so that it’s easier for you to block out the noise outside, and focus on the notes being given out in the room.

8. Plan your revision timetable

Revising at peak times (such as right before lunch) can mean that you don’t spend as much time on each topic or unit, whereas revising at slower times of the day means that there is a greater chance of little things, such as bathroom breaks and socialising with friends, adding up to over an hour.

A better plan to follow is to plan your revision timetable based on your daily schedule, it is one of the best strategies for exam. If a particular session runs for longer than anticipated then revise for some extra time or make up for it another day when you’re not so busy.


Revising can be a difficult task but it doesn’t have to take up a big part of your life. By remembering these simple tips, you can revise while still achieving a balance and enjoying the rest of your time. Follow Infinity Learn to keep your strategies for exam.

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