Port Arthur Ghost Tours
There are at least 1000s of visitors every year that visit the Port Arthur ghost tours, and numerous of them have something unusual to say. Port Arthur ghost tours have an extensive history.
Initially, it was a timber station in the 1830s, later, for 20 years it kept England’s most cynical criminals alongside trivial prisoners and other offenders from Australia.
The Port Arthur ghost tours kept the families of the criminals, as well, including young children.

The lifestyle they choose and the manual labor these criminals took upon themselves often led them to die at a very young age under awful situations.
Some people still believe that the souls who died here haunt the place to date.
Ghost Tours Tasmania
When Stateline Tasmania paid their visit to this place in 2003, the Port Arthur ghost tour guide guided them through tons of written accounts by people who had encounter something supernatural whilst, and every one of them had shockingly similar stories to talk about.

Several stated encountering a blue lady who some think is the ghost of a woman who married a Port Arthur accountant. The couple resided in the strict colony throughout the 1800s.
Few have seen a figure of a woman in a crinoline dress and a hat with arms extended. Whilst some have seen her in a blue/grey dress looking out of the back door of the building.
Legend has it that the woman in blue died with her baby in the course of her childbirth which is the reason why she keeps returning to the same site every day searching for her unborn child.
Others have reported seeing a little girl falling from the stairs at the commandant’s residence.

They have reportedly seen her lying on the floor in a puddle of blood, with her arms broken.
Others have heard disembodied laughter of children, people have listened to them running up and down the stairs, and on pleasant yet summer nights you could hear them singing and playing hopscotch.
Port Arthur Appalling History
Back in 2015, a visitor in the Port Arthur ghost tours took some pictures of ghosts on his camera during his trip.
He posted the photographs on a Facebook page called the ‘Australian Hauntings,’ and one picture showed the formation of a little boy loitering in one of the chambers, the second photo depicted a ghostly white blotch.
However, the most bone-chilling image would of those three children staring out the windows from one of the buildings.

Geographically Port Arthur was attractive as a penal colony since it was enclosed by water, allegedly flooded with sharks.
The other part of the area was a thick forest. The whole area was confined and protected by soldiers and violent dogs.
That period, for many (for all, I’d say), wasn’t easy to live; many tried escaping- by boat, through the forest.
Few were successful in escaping while others weren’t. There were underaged convicts, as well, some were as little as nine years old. They were kept in a different prison in point puer.
More than 1000 convicts died or murdered within the walls of Port Arthur throughout its 47 years of work.
The nearby Isle of dead was the final resting place for the convicts; the island reportedly comprises 1646 unmarked graves.
In 1996, Port Arthur became Australia worst post-colonial genocide when 35 people were killed.
Port Arthur ghost tour– church’s spikes look slightly ominous underneath the light prior to its turning into a dark blue sky.

The ancient church is possibly the most attractive spot on the Port Arthur ghost tours.
It is the same spot where William Riley thrashed fellow prisoner Joseph Shuttleworth to death with a pickaxe. William was hanged here for his act.
Recently, two builders and a trainee were renovating the Port Arthur ghost tours building and decided to reside in it.
One night the trainee found wide awake, hitting, having difficulty to breathe. It took two of the builders to pick him up as he was held to bed.
When the trainee came to his senses, he told everybody that he sensed a hefty weight on his chest and when he opened his eyes he saw a man with a beard, asking him to leave the house and never return.
The Port Arthur ghost tours last 90minute, encompassing a 2 km walk near the site and the ticket prices for the adults are $26.50 and $15 for children (under 17 years) and $75 for a family.
Port Arthur Haunted Tour
Port Arthur Ghost Tour is running since 1989. It is amongst many options proffered for tourists to discover the historical location. The Port Arthur ghost tours’ is organized in the night time.

It is evident from the beginning that sentiments, especially fear, are vital to both the representation of Port’s history on tour, and the required consequence; the significance of the histories of Port Arthur for the tourists, and the development of memories.
To concoct a scary surrounding and to solidify the fear amongst the participants, different strategies and props are used.
Props such as the lanterns, animal skulls, and the guide’s dress, are used to create a dramatic impression.
Port Arthur Ghost Tour Accommodation Package

You could book a better deal online for the best Port Arthur ghost tour accommodation package.
You could visit their official website as well as www.portarthur.org.au to schedule your tour.
Read the Port Arthur ghost tour review to get the gist of the background or to acquire the information you should know, e.g., things you shouldn’t bring.
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