Make Your Celebrations Better WIth Sustainability & A Heart For Environmental Care

We all love celebrating many different festivals and occasions with our loved ones, and we should celebrate. But it is time to consider the environment and our surroundings before celebrating.

There should be as little as possible addition from our side to the pollution, and we should try to be sustainable and environmentally friendly in our ways of celebrating.

With this thought in mind, we are sharing ideas you can incorporate into your coming celebrations.


Opt for no food wastage

Most of our celebrations include a gathering of relatives and friends and so there comes the need for a lot of food. But, it gets hard to manage the amount of food being cooked which turns out to be ample food waste.

Before you start preparing for the celebrations, you should think about food wastage and should opt for a no-food wastage policy.

How it works:

(1)you can ask the cook to make food in a quantity that is just perfect for the number of guests will have.

(2)put boards beside the foods requesting your guests not to waste food.

(3) Some NGOs take care of the unused food from the parties, so get in touch with such an NGO.

Anniversary Celebration

No Pollution

Most of our big celebrations somehow contribute to the increasing level of pollutants in the world. You can think about it and choose celebrations that don’t add to the pollutants. There are many ways to do that:

  • Instead of wandering from one cake shop to another on your bike or car, buy the cake for the occasion through a cake order app. This will help the environment through less fuel consumption and less pollution generated.
  • Even though many environmentalists talk about it a lot and so many reports are being published about it, people still don’t understand and go on to use firecrackers in personal celebrations and festive celebrations. Be the good one and choose not to use firecrackers.
  • Extreme noise pollution is also a thing that we don’t take seriously. Your celebrations should not make other people uncomfortable, and the high-pitch music volume also irritates and harms birds and animals.

Paper Bags Instead of plastic

When you prepare yourself to host a celebration, you get to shop for many different things, and that includes a high use of carry bags. You can replace all the plastic bags with paper or cloth bags.

Plastic is one of the most harmful elements to our natural environment, and it can only be eliminated when we choose not to use it. Even if the shopkeepers don’t provide you, you can keep paper and cloth bags in your home beforehand.

There are many manufacturers in the market who have started developing readily biodegradable polythene-like carry bags; you can opt for them too.

Your Food Choices For Celebration

There is much talk about how our eating habits have changed the world. Your food choice for your celebrations should be fair and not harm the environment in any way.

Like if you are celebrating a wedding anniversary, you should order an anniversary cake from a bakery that keeps the use of plastic to a bare minimum and that cares for the environment.

If you are ordering delicious food from a restaurant, ask the restaurant not to send plastic cutlery. And if you can, avoid non-veg food items as it is a cruel thing on the living organism that this environment has given us.

No Use of paper napkins

Undoubtedly, paper napkins are so helpful and come in handy many times, but the problem is that a considerable amount of water and trees are used to make paper napkins.

Parties and home celebrations are among the occasions when there is a massive use of paper napkins, and that’s what you can avoid in your celebration.

It is a challenging task to accomplish as you have to arrange for handwashing for the guests, but with little effort and excellent management, you can achieve that. Apart from the celebrations, you should also minimize using paper napkins in your daily life.

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