Waverly Hills Hospital
Can you imagine being covered in sickness and the treatment is ineffective or, worse, ‘incurable,’ and you’re just lying in the hospital bed praying to die sooner? Can you? Alright!! Enough with the dramatic expressions. How many have you heard about Waverly hills hospital or Waverly Hills Sanatorium?
I guess most of you did and for those who haven’t, let me enlighten you!
America was once wrapped in the most horrible time in the history of any disease, or that’s how I’d like to portray the situation.
During the 1800 and early 1900s, America was devastated by a disease known to all as ‘white death’ tuberculosis. This deadly disease spread rapidly, affecting entire families and sometimes a whole town.

In 1910, a hospital was built on an exposed hill to fight this deadly plague in southern Jefferson County. Soon the hospital became so overcrowded that they had to construct a new hospital with the help of donated money and land in 1924. This new hospital was known as Waverly hills which opened in 1926.
The Waverly Hills Sanatorium was then the most advanced TB hospital in the whole country. Still, the nonexistence of the cure killed most of the Waverly hills sanatorium patients in the hospital.
The doctors in those days believed the best treatment for this disease was fresh air, lots of rest, and lots of nutritious food.
Many said that some of the patients survived tuberculosis, but the estimates showed that 100s died at the outburst’s height. In 1900, Louisville, Kentucky, had the highest death rates in America by tuberculosis.

The disease’s treatment was brutal and as dangerous as the disease itself.
Other treatments included balloons inserted surgically in the lungs and filled with air to expand them.
The doctors used to remove the patient’s muscles and ribs from the chest so the lungs could grow more and consume more oxygen. The results had to come out as a disaster.
Most of them (dead patients) left through what is known as the ‘body chute.’ It was a tunnel to where they disposed of the dead bodies. It is called the Waverly hills sanatorium death tunnel.

It did so that the patients in the hospital wouldn’t know how many dead bodies were living there. The patients’ mental health was as important as their physical health for the doctors.
Waverly hills employees had to say ‘goodbye’ to everything they knew about the outside world.
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Waverly Hills Hospital “Room 502”
Another story that attracts many people, including ghost researchers, is room ‘502.’
What legend says is that a 29-year-old nurse allegedly hung herself from the light fixture in Room 502 and was unmarried and pregnant.
Some said she took her life because she had an affair with the hospital owner and contracted tuberculosis. Some said she was depressed by the whole scenario in the hospital.

She couldn’t take the death of so many patients, and thus, she committed suicide. There was no hard evidence of why she committed suicide, but the rumours continued.
It wasn’t the only case in room 502.
This place has a lot of stories to tell- “the story of a little girl,” many witnessed her running up and down the third floor, a little boy playing with a ball, a woman with a bleeding wrist who mourns for help, and many more.
People who visited the hospital experienced slamming doors and the sound of footsteps in an empty room.
Ghost of Timmy
According to legends, Timmy was a 6-7 years old child who died in the hospital from tuberculosis. He has not moved on yet, as he died with his whole life ahead of him.
Visitors bring toys and balls for him to play with. Many of them have seen the ball moving independently, but the sceptics say it might have been the case of wind or uneven floors.

One of the saddest stories in the WHH would be the ghost of a woman with bleeding wrists. The woman’s ghost roams in the hospital, mourning in agony, bleeding from her hands and feet.
She cries for help, but when outsiders come closer to aid her, she runs away, screaming in horror.
Waverly Hills Sanatorium Prices
2-Hour Paranormal Tour – $25 Buy
6-Hour Public Investigation – $90 Buy
Private Overnight Investigation – $1,000 Buy
2.5-hour Historical Tour – $30 Buy
Website Therealwaverlyhills
Question Hub Of Mysterious Trip About Waverly Hill Sanatorium
Charlie Mattingly – The property owner.
The Waverly Hills Sanatorium
The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is a former tuberculosis hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. It opened in 1910 as a two-story hospital with 40 beds and closed in 1961. The hospital was designed to treat patients with tuberculosis. In the early 1900s, Louisville had one of the highest mortality rates from tuberculosis in the United States. Dr Charles Campbell, who was medical director from 1914 to 1929, transformed the hospital into a modern facility during the 1920s. By the late 1940s, the hospital had become one of the largest tuberculosis sanatoriums in the world. However, with the discovery of streptomycin in the early 1950s, tuberculosis began to be treated effectively for the first time, and the number of patients at Waverly Hills declined rapidly.
The hospital is now open to the public as a museum for tours.
The Waverly Hills Hospital has been called one of the most haunted places in America. The hospital is said to be haunted by the ghosts of patients who died there and by the ghost of a nurse who hanged herself in one of the buildings.
There have been numerous reports of paranormal activity at the Waverly Hills Hospital, including strange noises, disembodied voices, and apparitions.
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