Camping in the Canadian Rockies is a fun recreational activity that people can enjoy from all walks of life. You will be away from the hustle and bustle of the city, free to explore everything that nature has to offer.
However, some campers may be worried about contracting Covid-19 while surrounded by wildlife and fresh air. There are some camping safety guidelines that you can follow to help you stay safe during these trying times.
While there will always be at least some risk of contracting the virus while camping, the guide below will drastically reduce the risk.
Check Campsite Openings
It is best not simply to take off on the road during these unpredictable times, hoping to find campsites as you travel. Many campsites may be closed due to the pandemic, or the campsites may be filled due to the new social distancing mandates.
You should monitor the campsite before you arrive. Call well ahead of time and make a reservation before you embark on your Canadian Rockies camping adventure.
Wear a Mask and Take Extra
Masks have been clinically proven to be one of the most effective deterrents in reducing the coronavirus’s spread. Even if you are asymptomatic, it is better to err on the side of caution and wear a mask when you leave the campsite.
You should also bring a box of masks with you, as you will likely need extra masks in the not too distant future.
Explore Locally
Staying close to home will help reduce the risk that you will contract the virus. When planning your campsite expedition, it is recommended that you look for options in your own province if possible.
You can think of it as a fantastic opportunity to explore local hotspots that you have placed in your adventure backlog for some time. As for your camping party, it is recommended that you keep your party small.
Either travel alone or travel with immediate family members if possible. Social distancing should also be practiced whenever possible, to reduce virus transmission.
Some Essential tips for first time campers during Covid-19.
Plan on Separate Tents
People who share a tent will be close to one another. A family that goes camping together will already be exposed to one another as well.
If you decide to camp with someone outside of your immediate bubble, you should ensure that they sleep in a separate tent. It is also important to follow social distancing protocols, and your tents should also be spread at least 6 feet apart.
Pack Your Own Sanitization Kit
The campsite that you are planning on using may already have facilities that you can use. However, you should pack a sanitization kit. Basic camping gear and extra clothing may not be enough to keep you safe and sound. Your personal sanitization kit should include toilet paper, hand sanitizer, surface disinfectants, paper towels, and soap.
You will also likely come into contact with items and surfaces that have been used or touched by other campers. Always bring a travel-sized bottle of hand sanitizer with you to keep your hands clean.
During these precarious times, it is highly recommended that you try to be as self-sufficient as possible to reduce the risk of Covid-19 contraction and transmission.
Practice Social Distancing
Try and only travel with those in your immediate family if possible. Practice social distancing when you are on the road and when you are at the campsite.
Wear your mask when you are on the road and when you are at your destination, and make sure to change your filters regularly if you are using a reusable mask. Bring many extra masks with you, as you will likely need them at some point. Reusable masks should also be cleaned thoroughly with warm water and soap.
You may also encounter new groups of people at some point, such as while hiking. Again, wear masks, use hand sanitizer, and try to stay 6 feet away from new groups of people while camping.
Also, if you or your loved ones have any Covid-19 symptoms, then you should stay home. Symptoms include fever, sore throat, headache, cough, and inability to smell or taste food. More severe symptoms include shortness of breath; if you are having trouble breathing, either at home or the campsite, dial 911 or rush to a nearby emergency room.
Bring Plenty of Food
According to Health Canada, the risk of contracting the virus from bags, food packaging, or food products is minimal. However, you shouldn’t expect to find all the food and supplies you need at stores situated near the campsite. Camping is meant to be fun, but you should also play it safe and be prepared for anything.
Grocery stores and restaurants may have limited stock or be closed due to the pandemic. Pack your own food and make sure you have plenty of food to share with your family. You should also avoid sharing food with strangers.
Camping in the Canadian Rockies is a superb idea, provided that you take the necessary precautions to keep yourself and others safe.
Today, many people find themselves stuck at home due to mandatory lockdowns. Others are extremely anxious about the economy or are worried that they may contract the virus.
If you feel anxious or depressed about the pandemic, a camping trip may help you feel better. Studies have found that spending time outdoors and exercising has many health benefits. You may find your anxiety, stress, and depression melt away after camping in the Canadian Rockies or somewhere local.
Some hiking, canoeing, and other fun activities may also help boost your immune system, which may help ward off the symptoms of the virus as well. Having fun and relaxing are recommended during these trying times, but it is still important to be safe when travelling to a new destination, especially during the holidays.