There is limited flexibility to enhance security if you live in an apartment. The entry points for burglars and potential criminals may be limited, but the front traffic may come with thievery risks. However, you can adopt Nest home security tips, such as locks, to secure your apartment, whether at home or away.
They are low-cost, easy to install and offer adequate protection against potential criminals. In that regard, you may consider the following:
Check Your Renter’s Insurance
Renter’s insurance protects you and your belongings in the event they are stolen. Several apartments have this feature as a requirement before you rent one.
If your apartment doesn’t have one, please, make sure to buy a policy from your insurance company. It is a simple process, and you can package it with your current insurance.
The personal property section of a renter’s insurance policy is the most significant consideration. Take a close look at the items the provider covers and the amount you’ll be compensated if your items are stolen. Increase the policy coverage if the accrued benefits trail your valuables.
Add Locks

Despite every apartment having pre-installed locks on the entry points, it is vital to add more locks to your doors and windows. You can opt for chain locks or deadbolts to enhance the home security tips of your apartment.
But before you add locks, check your lease agreement to see if it allows you to do so. If unsure, be sure to liaise with the landlord to confirm whether or not you can add more locks.
Create the Illusion You’re Home
Serial burglars study an apartment before breaking in. Your movement patterns are what may give them a hint about whether or not you are at home. To confuse them, you need to create an illusion you’re at home, even though you’re away.
You might leave some lights or TV on. Home automation tools and smart devices allow you to program certain features in your apartment to switch on or off at specific times, creating the illusion you’re at home.
Install a Security System
A security system should be the first consideration when considering ways to enhance your apartment security. It would be best if you thought of motion detectors, door and window sensors, security cameras, etc. This way, you will get alerts anytime an intruder is in your apartment.
Consider professionally monitored Home Security Tips if you have the cash. If not, assemble a DIY security system and install it. It is affordable, easy to install, and offers an adequate security cover around your apartment.
Check Your Smoke and Gas Sensors
Check if your apartment has smoke and gas sensors installed. Cross-check to ensure they function correctly. The smoke detectors and carbon monoxide will enhance the apartment’s safety and save your life in the event of gas leakage and fire outbreak.
Create an Exit Plan
Evaluate your apartment to identify a perfect escape plan. There should be an emergency exit in case of a fire or other hazard. Most apartments have staircases leading to the ground level, which can serve as a good escape route.
Final Thoughts
Despite the apartment having limited Home Security Tips, there are ways you can employ to keep yourself and your valuables safe. Evaluate your apartment, neighbourhood, and lease arrangement to identify the most reliable security feature to deploy.
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The Benefits of Steel Security Doors