Delphine Lalaurie
Delphine Laurie, Have you seen the movie ‘wrong turn,’ Raw, ‘human centipede II’ or ‘I spit on your grave’?’ There are numerous movies made based on gruesome deaths and torture.
I am pretty sure 70% of you must have watched, and within a few minutes, you must have run back to the washroom or had an insanely weird facial movement whilst watching some explicit scenes.
For those who have seen it, the introduction might have given a gist of the content might lead to.
While some of you might be wondering (who haven’t watched these movies yet) as to why I am speaking so highly of these movies.
Could such events happen in real life?
Could someone torcher an individual to the extent that they would leave their head open where maggots were lying around, bones were broken & reset-looking like a crab- intestines slashed out and tied around the waist?
Can you envision these scenarios? No? I must tell you that these events have actually happened in real life.
On the 18th of April 1834, Marie Delphine Lalauries mansion was on fire. Who was she?
Why am I talking about her? Let’s find out-
Delphine Lalaurie History
Madam Marie Delphine LaLaurie was an elite New Orleans high society member. She was considered as a kind, beloved, courteous, and gentle woman.
The 1700s were when the Spanish ruled New Orleans, and Delphine LaLaurie’s life never for once indicated any signs of vindictiveness or maliciousness.

Regardless of those false rumours about slaves killing her parents, Delphine Lalaurie spent a rather ordinary and fortunate life.
Modernizers pointed out that Lalaurie freed slaves on two occasions, 2 years before her torture chamber was found.
Some tried describing her downfall into debauchery by the way her third husband arrived in her life from France.
Louis Lalaurie was a quite young doctor who married Delphine Lalaurie after she gave birth to their first child in 1826.
Shortly, stories of her torturing her slaves started surfacing. Occupants registered complaints that led to investigations for cruelty towards the slaves in 1828, ’29, and ’32.
Some state that Delphine Lalaurie started beating her daughters when they tried feeding them, though she never let anyone know her real face in public.
Some were persuaded in order to favour Lalaurie by opting for a few logics that were quite extreme.
How many slaves did Madame LaLaurie own?
9 slaves.
They argued that Louis was the one who tortured the slaves for his experiments with Haitian voodoo potions in order to produce more submissive slaves.
He refused to take any assistance from the fire since he was the one torturing the slaves in evil half-medical testing.

And this sort of insanity & violence by Louise led to Delphine Lalaurie’s mental instability.
However, it was believed that it wasn’t only the work of one individual that’d have presented the mistress to such ferocity.
Several speculates that she was inspired by the murder of her uncle by slaves in 1771.
The aggression of the 1791-1804 Haitian slave revolution and independence movement and the horror of these occurrences, alongside the increasing harmony among the local slave owners in order to practise intensifying aggression and domination to deter returns in the aftermath, possibly had an intense impact on Delphine Lalaurie, who’d been subjected to this turmoil and anti-slave carnage every day.
It is said that the punishments were pretty intense. The 1811 revolution had over 100 slaves decapitated.
It doesn’t end there; their heads were placed on poles extending for 40 miles from the core of New Orleans to the countryside.
You would see the corpses of the slaves from the revolts hanging from the city gates.
Delphine Lalaurie Documentary
The Lalaurie mansion was shrouded in a fire in 1834. That incident is well documented in the newspapers.
People filled with rage at Delphine Lalaurie since she refused to open her attic to emancipate her slaves, and what they saw was appalling!
Slaves were discovered, chained, mutilated, and in starving situations.

One report suggested that seven were hanged by their necks and severely disfigured, whilst other reports said that a man was found with a hole in his head full of caterpillars.
The bodies had bloody bumps with iron collar spikes facing inwards, which appeared like a montage extracted from a typical medieval torture room.
Still, as per Rasmussen, these were moderately conventional types of restraint on the farm outside of New Orleans, where rural householders worried that their slaves would take their field axes at night and kill them in their sleep. So they practised extreme cruelty every day.
Delphine Lalaurie Death. Where is Delphine Lalaurie Buried?
Whatever the reason may be, they all seemed determined to punish Lalaurie for her maniac use of an already intense type of punishment.
In the argument, she eloped with her driver named, Bastien, to the harbour and fled to Paris.
Some think she died between 1842 and 1849 in Paris and moved to a New Orleans cemetery in 1851.
On the other hand, some believe that she faked her death so she could return to Louisiana and continue her evil life under the shed. What really happened to her is still a mystery.
However, many couldn’t care less what has happened to Lalaurie; she was more valuable as a legend than an evident identified dead body.
Her story soon became popular overseas and caught the eye of an English writer Harriet Martineau, who toured New Orleans in 1836 in order to accumulate stories about Delphine Lalaurie’s extreme cruelty.
His mission surrendered many of the ex-post-facto accounts of her bad temper, comprising the story of the death of a 12-year-old girl who was her slave.
After that incident, people started elaborating and exaggerating their hindsight stories, concocting a series of local stories anthologized in horror tales by the end of the century.
The memos kept by her children suggest that she spent the rest of her life in Paris quietly and harmlessly.
She never exhibited any rage (well, there’s no record of it) nor comprehended why she flew from New Orleans to Paris or fathomed of her ferocity.

What did Marie LaLaurie do to her slaves?
She secretly arranged for her relatives and friends to buy the enslaved workers.
Some took this as a sign that Delphine Lalaurie was mentally unstable.
However, there isn’t much proof that she was mentally unstable or weird in her childhood, assuming the background she grew up in.
What was scary was that Delphine Lalaurie never realized what she did was horrific and wrong.
She was a part of a race of monsters who validated their existence to themselves as a rational reaction to a disorder of the natural order of things. She was evil in the most inhuman way.
Lalaurie Mansion Ghost Sightings
It is evident whenever someone evil dies, leaving one of their possession behind would always be likely to return to haunt the surrounding.
True or false, there is some paranormal activity that goes on inside the Delphine Lalaurie mansion.
The faucet turns on and off in the mansion’s first-floor bathroom, and the kitchen door opens and closes randomly.

The housekeeper, Carol William, said that her experience with the ghosts wasn’t always good.
Once her daughter made one of them, and after a while, when she returned to the room, she saw body print design all over the comforter.
Carol has heard footsteps, as well, when no one is inside the room. A recent buyer of the Delphine Lalaurie mansion, Lorelei dickey Cropley, discovered that she had a ghost in her new house.
The ghost is said to be of madam Mineurecanal, who died (apparently, committed suicide) right after her husband died in the Spanish-American war in 1898.
Who owns the LaLaurie mansion?
Nicolas Cage.
She reportedly choked her little white dog and hung herself from a joist in the attic.
The sightings weren’t documented until a family named Ruiz bought the place. They soon sighted a woman in a white dress with a little white dog coming down the stairs.
The Ruez children used to call her ’Mini-canal’ since her name was pretty difficult to pronounce.
Her story soon started to show up in books and other reports of local hauntings.
Ultimately, reports of this ghost developed as a woman with neck distortedly bent neck, bulging eyes with her tongue sticking out.
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