Essential things to pack for travelling

Are you looking forward to going on a vacation? Not sure how to sort out and keep your luggage organized? Make your travel less hectic and more enjoyable with this list of essential things to pack needed for travelling abroad.

Planning a holiday destination can be exciting. Whether you’re going on a short trip or taking a long vacation, there are some travel essentials carry-on things for travelling that you must never leave behind.

Imagine all the hustle and bustle of planning a vacation only to realize later you forgot essential things to pack for travelling. That can be very frustrating.

It might also inconvenience you financially if you purchase the required items during your trip.

There are probably lots of things required for travelling. We have highlighted ten things to pack for travelling overseas in this list. Hopefully, after reading through, you will be able to organize your luggage and retain only the must things for travelling.

Top 10 Essential things to pack for travelling abroad

Packing List

Essential things to pack for travelling
things to carry while travelling in India

#1 Document Organizer

Your travel documents are important. These include your passport and other crucial documents. Please make sure they are safe and neat. To achieve this, consider having a primary document organizer.

With this, your travel will be hustle-free when you have everything neatly kept in one place.

You don’t want to contend with disorganized things while travelling. Be careful, as you may accidentally get lost. An exciting adventure will begin if this happens, the so-called Jumanji online.

#2 Zipper Cubes

We all know how messy and chaotic packing and unpacking can get sometimes. Whether your luggage is a suitcase or backpack, you certainly need these accessories for travelling.

With zipper cubes, you will not only save a lot of space in your bag but it will also be organized. Hence, you will be able to pack extra items.

This is because packing cubes compress everything down, keeping your bag more orderly. This is a must-have for any modern traveler.

For durability, ensure you go for the best brand as there are lots in the market. Amazon is the best place to shop for packing cubes if you are keen on quality and value.

#3 Water Bottle

Travelling overseas can sometimes be challenging. This is especially if you are prone to certain allergies. For instance, you may not be able to drink tap water in your travel destination.

As such, you will need to purchase bottled water. But being the responsible traveler you are, you don’t want to go on a littering mission, do you? Therefore, having a reusable travel bottle can be very thoughtful.

For longer trips, you might want to get a little economical. Consider purchasing a 1L bottle of water, so you only fill up your reusable bottle at your convenience.

#4 Electronic Gadget Organizer

As mentioned earlier, carrying your laptop and phone on a trip is important. Not just important but very logical. But these gadgets also come with their own set of basic accessories ideal for travelling.

These include chargers, cables, SD cards, plugs, and adapters. Carrying and keeping all these gadgets tends to be cumbersome. This is where a good electronic gadget organizer comes in.

Having one helps to keep everything organized and neat.

#5 Good Camera

You certainly can’t forget this one, or your trip would be a complete waste. All those beautiful moments must be captured and preserved for memories.

A travel camera is a gear required during travel, whether an active travel camera or a DSLR camera for travel.

Photos and videos taken from an average camera can’t be that impressive. That is why you need to invest in an excellent compact camera to make your trip more memorable. While your iPhone can do great wonders, packing an extra pocket camera or even a drone is a better idea.

#6 Portable Charger

Nowadays, travelling without power banks is nearly impossible. Yet a few years ago, we could travel without them: funny, right? Tablets and iPhones tend to die every few hours, thereby necessitating the need for a backup plan.

This makes power banks such essential things to carry while travelling. However, small power banks are not ideal for travelling as they can only charge your phone up to 70% or less. 

#7 Travel Clothes

Clothes are probably the most natural items required for travelling to fill up your luggage space. Regardless of your travel destination, packing a heavy suitcase full of clothes isn’t going to be fun. 

When it comes to packing the best things for travelling overseas, the necessary clothing items to pack includes:

#8 Comfortable Shoes (the essential thing to pack for travelling)

Whether you’re going skiing or to the beach, the chances are that you’ll be doing some walking around town, sightseeing, etc. Pack good walking shoes that are comfortable, light, and classy.

#9 Wet Wipes and Stain Removers (the essential thing to pack for travelling)

Sanitizing has become our way of life in this era of coronavirus and airborne disease.

Sanitizing wipes are a better substitute if you cannot access soap and water. It also comes in handy if you have been out in a hot, dusty place and need to do a quick clean-up. Also, you can pack a few items and use them repeatedly.

This can only be achieved if you use stain removers so you can easily clean up any mess. You can find these in your local store or pharmacy.

#10 First Aid Kit (the essential thing to pack for travelling)

Last but not least, a first aid kit is undoubtedly the best thing you’ll need while travelling. Accidents are inevitable, just like they are unpredictable. The last thing you want to do while on vacation is spent extra dollars on bandages and antibiotic creams. Always remember to pack a small first aid kit with essential medical items in your travel bag. These items must include;

Things to Carry While Travelling During Covid

  • Face masks
  • Tissues
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol)
  • Disinfectant wipes (at least 70% alcohol) for surfaces
  • Thermometer


Organized, well-packed luggage is both efficient and convenient. Packing the essential things for travelling can be beneficial. You get to save time and money, stay comfortable, and enjoy your travel.

Spare yourself any unnecessary frustrations by including these ten essential things to pack in your travelling bag on your next trip.

Did you like this list of what things we need for travelling?

Do you have any suggestions on how to pack things for travelling? Please share your ideas in the comments section.

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