Things to Mind When Biking Through the Countryside

One of the activities that are highly liberating and exciting is biking. There are many various types of biking – from city biking to mountain biking to cross-country cycling.

They are all excellent for different people who prefer one over the other. If you’re a fan of cross-country cycling but are not as experienced as those guys you usually pass by with your vehicle, you need to learn a thing or two about it.

There are so many things pros know and practice, but as a beginner, you don’t have to be as skilled as them. Still, some basics are mandatory.

In this article, we’re talking more about the main things to mind when biking. If you want an exquisite experience and enjoy the ride, you need to know the things we’re discussing below. Please keep reading to see what they are.

1. Pick the right road bike and get used to it before going on the open road

You’ll find many different road bikes in the stores, which are not all the same. Aside from the brand that means a lot, it would be best if you also minded some other things.

Every person has a different size and weight, according to which they need to choose their bikes. Once you find out what’s best for you, don’t go on the road just yet.

Drive around the neighbourhood where traffic is not massive and get accustomed before taking it for a serious spin. If you find out that something’s not right or you want something else, take it back and pick something else.

Biking on Road

Having the best bike is essential because this is the main thing that will make the difference between enjoying your ride through the countryside and feeling tired and unhappy when you’re finished. Choose a carbon frame with durable materials that will be lightweight and tough.

2. Wear complete protection

Safety always comes first, and when you’re going cross-country cycling, you can expect close contact with careless drivers who drive without paying too much attention.

Many of them might not even stop when they give you a little push on the side of the road, so you need to be prepared for anything. Of course, chances for this range from slim to none, but there’s always a chance, and you must be ready for it.

Wear a durable helmet because it may save your life on the road. Don’t forget to add all the other little things, gloves, goggles, and safety for your knees and elbows.

3. Learn about the local roads where you plan on biking IN

Knowing where you’re going when you leave your porch is vital. Yes, an adventure is great, but when you’re biking, the main focus is on the biking itself, not so much on ending in a part of the country where you don’t know how to return.

Another thing why knowing where you’re headed is riding a bike on flawless roads. Unlike vehicles or mountain bikes, road bikes have thin tires, and every little hole in the road hits differently for the biker. You want to know which roads are perfect for your biking session.

4. Always wear a smartwatch or phone with you

Tracking your efforts is an excellent way of discovering how well you’re doing with your biking attempts. Although just riding through the countryside is fantastic, most bikers would like to see some progress in their adventures.

Mountain Biking

Most of them will try to beat their record for driving a particular track faster, burning more calories, or riding a longer distance than before.

Although you can do this provisionally following the road signs, it’s best if you have technology on your side. Wear a smartphone or smartwatch and precisely calculate how well you’re doing.

5. Learn the basics of your bike in case it needs a quick repair

Bikes rarely break down if serviced regularly by a professional, but you might experience the chain falling off, a flat tire, or a handlebar dislocation now and then. You need to know the parts of your bike and how to fix them if something goes wrong.

These things are far from complicated, but you still need to know how things are fixed. If you have never paid too much attention to these things, now is a great time to learn a few things on how to repair the bike when you’re on the road properly.


These five points above are the foundation every new cross-country biker must know. You must pick the perfect road bike for you, wear full protective gear, know the roads you’re riding on, have a smartwatch with you, and know how to repair your bike in an emergency.

Everything else is left to your imagination and personal preferences to make the trip more enjoyable.

Also Read:

Biking routes in the UK for adventurous travelers

A Beginners Guide To Mountain Biking

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