Who was Jules Rimet?

Jules Rimet was a household name in world football during the first half of the 20th century. Whether you want to wager except football on kabaddi, in.1xbet.com/line/kabaddi is a great website to do so.

In fact, the first editions of the FIFA World Cup were called the Jules Rimet Cup. Also, up to 1970, the winners of the tournament received the Jules Rimet trophy. If you want to wager on the most important football tournaments held across the world, at any moment and time, then the 1xBet bookmaker is what you need.

Here is where the main question arises. Who was Jules Rimet in the first place and why was he so important in the football world?

Creating a brand-new organization

FIFA was established in 1904. One of its founders was Jules Rimet, who was a French lawyer. During its first years, the entity was quite a small organization. Quite distant from the big powerhouse that is in our days. If you want to wager with high odds – 1xBet online betting platform offers the best rates across the entire Internet.

Rimet had big plans for the organization and football as a whole. The first high-profile tournament in which FIFA was involved was the football competition of the 1908 Summer Olympics.

However, these plans were put on hold over the upcoming years due to external circumstances. In 1919 he assumed the presidency of the French Football Federation. The online betting platform 1xBet also has high odds to wager on French football.

Later, in 1921, Jules Rimet was chosen as the president of FIFA. He would be in that role until 1954, and would be key in turning football from an amateur sport into the powerhouse that it currently is.

Establishing the biggest sports competition

During the first quarter of the 20th century, the football tournament of the Olympics was the most important competition of the discipline. Speaking about important tournaments, the La Liga betting odds present at 1xBet are very high, meaning that punters can make rewarding wagers.

Yet, the Frenchman wanted that football could have a major competition of its own. That’s how he came up with the concept of the World Cup.

Finally, and after many difficulties, Uruguay offered to organize the tournament. They also promised to pay for all the travel expenses of the European teams that participated. Speaking about expenses, the betting odds for La Liga and other tournaments at 1xBet, can help you to cover all of them. The football squads from that part of the world that took part in the championship were:

  • France;
  • Belgium;
  • Romania;
  • and Yugoslavia.

Nowadays, the FIFA World Cup is the most important sports competition in the entire world. The scale it has reached is something that not even Jules Rimet could have probably imagined.

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