Tempered Glass for Your Home and Business

Over the years, tempered glass has become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners and business owners alike. It is a durable and attractive material that is available in a variety of types and styles. But, why should you choose tempered glass for your home or business?

In this blog post, we will discuss different types of tempered glass, how to choose the right type, the reasons to use tempered glass in your home or business, and the cost of tempered glass.

Different Types of Tempered Glass

When it comes to tempered glass, there are a few different types to consider. The most common type is known as annealed glass, which is created by slowly cooling the glass after it has been heated in a furnace. This type of glass is stronger than regular glass, but not as strong as tempered glass.

The second type of tempered glass is known as heat-strengthened glass. This type of glass is heated in a furnace, then rapidly cooled. This process makes the glass stronger than annealed glass, but not as strong as tempered glass.

The third type of tempered glass is referred to as laminated glass. This type of glass is made by adhering two or more layers of glass together with a durable interlayer. This type of glass is very strong and is often used in commercial and industrial applications.

The fourth type of tempered glass is known as impact-resistant glass. This type of glass is created by adding a layer of plastic to the glass before it is tempered. This process makes the glass more resistant to impact and is often used in safety applications.

Finally, the fifth type of tempered glass is known as low-emissivity glass. This type of glass is created by adding a coating to the glass that reduces the amount of heat that is transferred through the glass. This type of glass is often used in energy-efficient applications.

Reasons to Use Tempered Glass in Your Home

There are many reasons to use tempered glass in your home. First, tempered glass is incredibly strong and durable, making it perfect for applications such as shower doors and windows. It is also highly resistant to scratches and other damage, making it a great choice for areas that are prone to wear and tear.

Tempered glass is also highly resistant to heat, making it a great choice for areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. Additionally, tempered glass is easy to clean, reducing the amount of time you need to spend on maintenance.

Finally, tempered glass can help to reduce energy costs. Low-emissivity glass, for example, is designed to reduce the amount of heat that is transferred through the glass. This can help to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter, resulting in lower energy costs.

Reasons to Use Tempered Glass in Your Business

Just like in the home, there are many reasons to use tempered glass in your business. First, tempered glass is incredibly durable, making it ideal for areas such as storefront windows and entryways.

It is also highly resistant to scratches and other damage, making it a great choice for areas that are prone to wear and tear.

Tempered glass is also highly resistant to heat, making it a great choice for areas such as commercial kitchens. Additionally, tempered glass is easy to clean, reducing the amount of time you need to spend on maintenance.

Finally, tempered glass can help to reduce energy costs. Low-emissivity glass, for example, is designed to reduce the amount of heat that is transferred through the glass. This can help to keep your business cool in the summer and warm in the winter, resulting in lower energy costs.

Cost of Tempered Glass

The cost of tempered glass will vary depending on the type of glass you choose and the size of the glass. Generally speaking, annealed glass is the least expensive type of tempered glass, while laminated and impact-resistant glass may be more expensive.

It is important to note, however, that while annealed glass may be the least expensive upfront, it may not be the most cost-effective in the long run. Laminated and impact-resistant glass may be more expensive upfront, but it may last longer, resulting in long-term cost savings.

When it comes to the cost of tempered glass, it is important to consider the long-term cost of the glass and not just the upfront cost. This will help you to make an informed decision that is best for your home or business.

The cost of tempered glass can vary greatly depending on the type and size of the glass you need. Generally, annealed and heat strengthened glass will cost around $15 to $20 per square foot, while laminated glass will cost around $30 to $40 per square foot.

Impact-resistant glass and low-emissivity glass will generally cost more, with prices ranging from $50 to $100 per square foot.

It is important to keep in mind that these prices are only estimates and actual costs may vary depending on the supplier, type of glass, size of the order, etc.


Tempered glass is an incredibly strong and durable material that is available in a variety of types and styles. It is perfect for applications such as shower doors, windows, storefront windows, and entryways. It is also highly resistant to heat and easy to clean, making it a great choice for both homes and businesses.

When it comes to choosing the right type of tempered glass, it is important to consider the type of environment the glass will be used in and the type of application the glass will be used for. Additionally, it is important to consider the cost of the glass and the long-term cost of the glass.

If you are looking for a tempered glass manufacturer, contact us today. We are a leading tempered glass manufacturer and can help you find the right type of tempered glass for your home or business.

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