Going on study leave is an exciting time. For many people, it is that time to kick back and do something they have always wanted. There are numerous possibilities, whether learning a new language, travelling the world, or spending more time with loved ones.
Studying is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable experience. For most students, this is the case. However, taking advantage of your study leave can be challenging because you want to ensure you use every minute as effectively as possible.
Here are four ways you can use it to make the most out of your study leave so when your new role starts, you’ll be ready to shine and make a big impact on day one.
Get the Right Study Space
Most people find it easier to study in their homes. But it’s worth considering other options if you have children or pets or live with others who might be distracted by your presence.
A messy space can be distracting and stressful, so keep it clean and organized, so your mind stays focused on studying. Some students find that having a tidy desk helps them stay focused on their work.
Ensure you have enough storage space, too. Storing books and notes will make it easier to find what you need when you need it!

You can study in different places:
- Your local library is a great place to work if you want to avoid distractions. You can book a table or camp on the comfy sofas downstairs. And they don’t close until late evening most days of the week (and even later at weekends).
- Many universities offer free access to their libraries during term time so you can use their facilities while studying at home. This might be worth considering if you’re planning on studying part-time while working full-time.
- Consider renting a desk in an office workspace. The spaces often have amenities like meeting rooms and shared kitchens available for use by members but come at a cost — typically around $150 per month for an individual desk.
Be a Smart Learner
When on study leave, you can decide whether to focus on learning new skills or developing existing ones. If you feel there are gaps in your knowledge, it might be worth taking some time off from work to focus on self-learning.
For example, if you want to learn how to use different software programs in your industry but need more time for an extended course, try searching for online tutorials to help fill those gaps. This also gives you an advantage when it comes time for promotion or new opportunities within your company.
Although, it’s important to note that some companies may frown upon this kind of self-education as they prefer their employees take courses through them instead of using other resources.
You may feel like you have plenty of time, but remember that there is a limited time to learn everything you need. So make sure you are an intelligent learner and use every resource available at your fingertips.
You will learn more efficiently using online resources such as YouTube or podcasts. They teach languages or other subjects like history, culture, and geography. You can also connect with specialists such as an Engish tutor.
These resources can help supplement your learning and allow for more flexibility in schedule and location compared to traditional courses offered by universities and other schools.
Set Your Goals
You will spend time at home and on vacation, so it’s good to know what you plan to get out of it. Do you want to take a class on something new?
If you’re unsure what you want, start by listing things you’d like to do during your first week off from school or work. Then pick the top five or six activities and figure out which ones are most important to you. Once you have the list, start prioritizing these goals based on what matters most.
For example, if you want to take that photography class, but it costs money and takes up too much time, then it’s not worth doing right now.
On the flip side, if there’s something on your list that doesn’t cost anything and doesn’t take up much time but makes you happy (like reading books), then go ahead and mark that as a priority too!
Get Organized
If there’s one thing that will help you make the most out of your study leave, it’s organization. You’ve probably got many things on your mind right now — including what you’re going to do during your vacation. You must keep track of everything so that nothing slips through the cracks.
Organize your plans (preferably in a notebook or calendar), so you can refer back to them when necessary. For example:
If you’re going shopping with friends on Saturday morning and spending the afternoon at a pool party, write it down so that you don’t forget. If your friends want to do something on Monday, write it down so that you don’t miss out.
It’s also essential to write down your vacation dates so you can keep track of them. This will help to ensure that nothing gets lost in the shuffle and you don’t miss any important deadlines. For example: If you have an interview on Tuesday morning, write it down, so you don’t forget about it.
Don’t Underutilize Your Study Leave!
If study leave isn’t properly managed and planned for, it can easily waste away. You need to stay organized and have smart plans. They will enable you to undertake everything successfully within the stipulated period.
If you’re looking for more productive ways to use your study leave, consider the above tips to help you plan and make the most out of your study leave.
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