Motorcycles are incredible ways to travel, as they allow you to really feel the open air and experience all the thrills of the road. They are an especially thrilling addition to a vacation, even for those unfamiliar with motorcycles, and are growing increasingly popular across the world.
However, they are also a dangerous method of transportation, as motorcyclists have far less protection in an accident than those in a car. The National Safety Council notes that even though motorcycles account for only 3% of all registered vehicles, they cause 14% of all traffic fatalities.
Though you can prepare for long motorcycle trips in order to reduce the danger, or read about motorcycles ahead of time if you are planning to take a spin while on vacation, you may still tragically lose a loved one in a motorcycle accident.
It’s important to understand this risk and to know what to do ahead of time, as this can reduce the stress of an already heartbreaking and difficult experience.
Here are three things you need to consider should you ever find yourself dealing with the aftermath of a fatal motorcycle accident.
Get in touch with the funeral home that will be managing the funeral
After a loved one dies, you may be so overwhelmed with grief that you don’t think clearly and may think that you need to contact a funeral home in the country you’re staying in.
However, they will not be able to help you unless you are planning to hold the funeral in that country.
You will need to contact the funeral home that will be arranging the last rites for the deceased, whether in their current hometown or birthplace.
The funeral director will be able to advise you on what you must do regarding transporting your loved one home, such as what you will need to do if you send the deceased home on an airline.
They can also explain what kind of paperwork is necessary and discuss your options for giving your loved one a memorial.
These are difficult conversations, especially when you are in a vulnerable place, so you may wish to have a familiar member or other loved one present for moral support if possible.
Reach out for help from a licensed mental health professional
Grieving is a difficult and painful process, and it can stir up so many emotions that immobilize you with pain. For example, you may experience survivor’s guilt, which is when you feel bad that your loved one passed on while you are still alive.
You might also try to deny your emotions or feel incredibly angry that your friend or relative was taken too soon. However, there is always help available in the form of counselors, therapists, and psychiatrists.
Don’t believe you need to suffer through this alone, or that you’re too busy to take care of your mental health. You can’t care for your surviving loved ones if you are deeply mourning: you need to put your mental health first so that you can be strong for those you care about.
Never hesitate to seek a qualified mental healthcare provider after a traumatic event such as a fatal motorcycle accident.
Contact a personal injury lawyer
Unfortunately, dying can be a very expensive process. Medical bills for emergency treatment, funeral, and administrative costs are associated with filing paperwork and managing a person’s estate.
These can cost thousands of dollars, which is especially grievous if someone else was at fault for your loved one’s death. However, there may be a way to receive compensation to cover these expenses and help you recover financially from the loss.
Personal injury lawyers regularly deal with wrongful death lawsuits, where another person or entity is responsible for the death through negligence or incompetence.
After you begin the process of arranging a funeral and filing the appropriate paperwork, you should consult with a fatal motorcycle accident lawyer to learn if the next of kin can receive a settlement to cover medical bills and funeral expenses.
They can investigate the matter for you and determine if anyone else was at fault, and they will negotiate with insurance companies and third parties on your behalf.
This is incredibly important when you’re grieving, as you may be tempted not to pursue legal action because you already have so many other matters to attend to.
However, if someone else was responsible for your loved one’s death, they should also be responsible for the costs associated with the death, which is why you should discuss this with a lawyer.
Final thoughts
Fatal motorcycles are tragically common, and they throw an entire family system into mourning. It’s difficult to determine what you need to do and who can help guide you through the process, but fortunately there are many professionals who can step in and advise you about how to move forward.
Funeral directors, mental health professionals, and lawyers are all there to support you in the many hard decisions that come after a tragic motorcycle accident.
While the pain will take a long time to heal, leaning on professionals for support can lead you through the process and make it a little easier to bear.