10 Causes of Hair Loss for Men

Hair loss is a condition that affects the majority of men either due to health conditions, age or genes. Hair loss is very common in men, especially as they age. Hair loss leads to baldness and partial hair loss on some parts of the head or all of it.

According to studies, 42% of males have hair loss that is at least moderate. Men’s hair loss can lead to several issues. Men who experience hair loss could discover they have low self-esteem. Men who lose their hair frequently also struggle with other mental issues.

For this reason, it is essential to know about men’s hair loss causes. In this article, we have outlined some of the significant causes of hair loss in men and treatments that you can take to prevent the hair loss;

1. Genetics causes hair loss.

Hereditary-patterned baldness, as it is known, has previously been identified as the primary cause of hair loss in men. Numerous studies conducted all over the world have connected genetic variables to the incidence of hair loss in men.

This type of hair loss runs in families from one generation to the other. A man is more prone to experience these issues if his family has a history of hair loss. If genetics play a role in hair loss, treatment usually focuses on slowing the onset of the problem.

These methods will not promote hair growth. Furthermore, it appears that males are more likely than females to undergo genetic hair loss. Hereditary hair loss typically results in gradual hair thinning and loss.

2. Hair loss due to age

Age appears to be a key risk factor for hair loss. Research has shown that hair loss becomes more common as people age.

There are various explanations for why age seems to significantly influence the likelihood of hair loss. Additionally, elderly men are more likely to have receding hairlines.

3. Stress

Stress is another major cause of hair loss. Acute stress reactions have benefits. The problem is that widespread worry among the general public is growing over chronic stress. Stress-related hair loss has been seen in those who are under a lot of pressure.

Some men may experience substantial hair loss as a result of stress, depending on how their bodies respond to the situation. The growth of hair should eventually resume at its standard rate once you have dealt with your stressful situation.

4. Hormonal imbalance

A multitude of hormones keeps the male body healthy. There are several risks that a man will face if he has a hormone imbalance. Testosterone is regarded to be the primary sex hormone in men. This hormone is converted into dihydrotestosterone.

DHT is another name for altered hormones. When too much testosterone is converted into DHT, hair loss can occur. According to research, DHT can have an effect on hair follicles.

As a result, the hair follicles shrink. This causes problems such as hair thinning. It may also cause symptoms of male pattern baldness.

5. Medications

It has also been demonstrated that some medications stop hair growth. Male users of these medications run the risk of experiencing hair loss.

The majority of medicines that cause hair loss are those that are related to chemotherapy. This is the typical cancer treatment plan for guys. Men who undergo surgery should see hair restoration afterwards.

6. Androgenetic alopecia

Usually, this illness’s hair loss starts near the temples. A receding hairline is a common symptom in men with this condition. A distinctive pattern of hair loss characterizes androgenetic alopecia. Eventually, the hairline will resemble the letter M.

7. Nutritional deficiency

Your hair, like everything else, requires nutrients to develop and retain health. Patchy hair loss can be caused by abrupt weight loss, low iron levels, or a poor diet, but only briefly.

8. Hairs Style and treatments

Some hairstyles such as tight braids, man buns, cornrows and other harsh hair treatments can damage your scalp resulting in hair loss.

9. Surgery

Surgery may be the cause of male pattern baldness. Male patients who have just undergone surgery should view hair loss as common. This result may last for a few weeks following the operation.

10. Thyroid issues

The thyroid gland serves a number of vital roles in the body. This gland may be impacted by certain conditions. These diseases may result in a number of problems, such as hair loss and thinning hair.

Men who are experiencing hair loss may find some treatments helpful. A diagnosis must be determined before treatment may be started. The underlying reason for the hair loss should be examined by a doctor. Below are some of the ways that can be used to treat men’s hair loss.

  • For hair loss, some men use pharmaceutical treatment. Finasteride or minoxidil may be used for this.
  • Surgery for hair transplants is another option.  
  • Laser therapy occasionally results in good things. A low-level laser instrument is employed in this procedure. Patients with genetic hair loss are routinely prescribed it. This method might increase hair density.


Both men and women can have hair loss. Men are more likely to experience this problem. A variety of factors have been associated with the male population’s hair loss risk.

Risk factors include hormones, genetics, and age. Some preventative measures can be taken to reduce the risk. Men who already suffer hair loss have a few alternatives for treatment.

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