GULIGULI Pet Companion Robot – Take Your Pet Relationship Deeper

Relationships can be difficult. They grow over time from the beginning when you first meet, right up to the end. We try our best to stay connected but sometimes this can come and go.

Our relationships with our pets are like this. Think about it, how much time you actually spend with your pet – 15%, 10% of their life. Maybe even less. It can be a tough fact to face. In the old days it was much longer.

You could spend time at home and have your pets around – maybe they even helped you out with working around the ranch or your homestead.

Nowadays we live very modern lives – we go out to the office, spend time meeting clients after work, and spend time with friends on the weekends. We are out of the house quite a bit.

Luckily GULUGULI – a brand that has emerged recently in the pet care and technology space – has an invention that will really turn the relationship between pets and their owners on it’s head and take it into the digital age.

It’s their Pet Companion Robot and it has the potential, we think, to truly transform how we think about connecting to and caring for our pets.

Let’s take a look at just some of the basic features of their current model:

GUILGULI Pet Companion Robot Full Features Rundown:

  • Overall Versatility: The GULIGULI Pet Robot is in actuality a complete remote entertainment system for your pet – as it functions as an all-in-one pet toy, remote pet monitor, and feeding system. The perfect assistant to a proud pet parent.
  • Camera: The movable 1080P Full HD camera lets you view your pet from anywhere so you can be away from home and still able to connect with your little furry friends – it pans left, right, up and down – very superb functionality on this camera. It also features night vision so you can see your pets and around the room in the nighttime or in dark corners of your living space.
  • Controls: You access the robot from the GULIGULI phone app so you can be anywhere – at work or even away on vacation and check in on and play with your cat or dog. The app is also secure, available on Apple and Google devices, and allows you to interact with your pet in a variety of ways. 
  • Audio Channels: A two-way audio function via the app lets you speak with and listen for sounds from your pet as well. Picture it – you can talk to your pet from anywhere there is a phone signal or Wi-fi connection. 
  • Feeding: It has a treat dispenser – you can release snacks to your pets at any time, through 12 cartridges, so you have plenty of food to reward your dog or cat for good behavior.
  • Design: The robot is simply AMAZING LOOKING. We love the elegant, scientific white and black design. It’s like something right out of a Pixar movie.
  • Build: The large, sturdy wheels in back combined with 360 degrees rotating wheel in front accomplishes a tripod like design that will easily get over any obstacles in your home – raised carpets, inclines, small items on the floor, etc. 
  • Toys and Extras: It shoots out a red dot laser from the front of the camera so you can entertain your kitten for hours of exercise. You can also mount a feather attachment to the top or anywhere on the device.

GULIGULI Pet Companion Robot Increased the Potential for Human-Animal Connection

Wow, that is quite an impressive array of features. We wanted to share a few ways that the Pet Companion Robot can build greater relationships. First of all, the camera provides you with a high-def proxy of your own eyes, and the 2-way audio function can become like your digital ears.

In other words, you are always there to see what’s going on with your little doggie or kitty. Next, one thing we loved is the functionality of the robot and the greater mobility. A lot of products on the pet monitoring market cannot move.

The GULIGULI robot, however, can follow your dog or cat around the house all day long if you want it to. In theory, you never have to leave the side of your little pet. They are always home, that is the nature of being a territorial animal. But now, you have the ability to be home with them through the robot as a proxy.

You can capture video and audio and pictures at any time of day and not only that you can then share them with your friend at the touch of a button.

How cool is that? It’s like you’re always connected – no matter the space, time and distance between you and your little furry babies. And with greater connection comes greater depth and you can really go deep here with this robot and its varied set of features.

So go deep in your relationship with your pet. Go GULIGULI!

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