Emergencies happen. And, if you’re a pet owner, figuring out what to do in an emergency with your pet can make things 10 times worse.
Not only are you worrying about your own safety, but you’re also worrying about the safety of your pet. While you can’t always plan 100% for an emergency, you can do your best to put together a Emergency pet kit that can help.
Here’s how you can build your own emergency pet kit:
1. Make a List.
List out all the things you’ll need. No item is too small, either. Things like their updated custom pet tag, a small bag of cat litter or even their favorite chew toy are all items you can include on the list.
You’ll want to do that before putting anything together so that you can narrow down what you don’t need or realize what you don’t have and need to go get from the store or have delivered.
Making lists is good for you too — they help to keep you on task and are especially helpful for people who struggle with ADHD or other attention disorders.
2. Find the right bag.
This doesn’t have to be huge, but it should be big enough to hold almost all the items you need. This way, you can either pre-fill the bag and set it off to the side, or you can practice filling it with drills for when the emergency does happen.
The right bag is one that has durable straps, some pockets or compartments for organizing your items and a zipper as a way to enclose it and keep things secure.
You’ll have to remember that you’ll probably need to carry this bag, so it shouldn’t be super bulky.

3. Talk with your vet.
Your pet’s vet is one of your best resources out there! They may even already have a list you can use. Most vet techs have pets of their own, so they could also probably share some helpful tips and tricks that can make the process of getting prepared less stressful.
Your vet can also let you know how best to store your pets’ medicines, especially if any of them need to be kept cool. In an emergency pet kit, you might not remember to bring ice packs or store their medication somewhere separate from other things.
Your vet can also guide you through the human foods and over-the-counter meds your pet could take so that you don’t have to take a few of a variety of things but can instead pack more of the same type of item.
While you may need to bring along a pill cutter or another device that might be less stressful than trying to remember all their prescription bottles.
4. Think for a week out.
When putting together small bags of food and loading up water bottles, think about how much you’ll need for at least a week out, especially if you’re prepping for a seasonal emergency, such as a hurricane or wildfire.
You may not be able to return home within a few days, and natural disasters typically cause supply chain shortages. These shortages eventually trickle down to your pet, whether in food shortages or even their medications.
You may get stuck on the road, or it might take a while for things to get delivered back to your area after the emergency. This way, you’ll have enough for your pet regardless of the situation.
5. Store everything in an easy to access location.
You might be tempted to put the emergency pet kit in the hall closet somewhere, but the point of an emergency pet kit is that you can easily access it … well, in an emergency.
Store it by an exit or entry point of your home, or even in your bedroom, so that you can grab it without much planning or processing. Realistically, it should only take you a few minutes to grab your pet and your emergency kit and head out the door.
6. Focus on pet first aid.
In an emergency, your pet might get hurt. Putting some pet first aid items in your emergency pet kit will go a long way into keeping them safe as you escape the emergency. Gauze, bandages and even a pet cone can all go in their first aid kit.
You can talk with your pet’s vet to see how you can go about getting some pet-friendly medical ointment or any other first aid supplies.
Another thing you can do is double-up on some items, such as a silicone pet tag or an extra collar. This way, if those items get lost or broken during the emergency, you can easily replace them after administering Emergency Pet Kit.
7. Take some deep breaths.
Learning some calming and grounding techniques is something you can do but won’t physically go into a kit. Emergencies can trigger a trauma response in our brains, which activates our instincts to fight, flee or freeze.
In those moments, we’re not focused on thinking logically. Instead, we think from a survival perspective. Putting a plan together when there’s no emergencies happening — and writing it down! — can help you during that crisis moment.
Reading the plan or working through the steps will work to ground you and make it easier for you and your pet to get to safety.
8. Consider putting your things with your pet’s things.
In all the hustle and bustle trying to remember things for your pet, you may forget to take anything for yourself. Put a change of clothes as well as a few pairs of underwear and socks into the Emergency Pet Kit.
Some travel-sized toiletries are also a good idea. This way, if you are ever taken by surprise for the emergency, you’ll have everything together in one location and can easily take it all with you.
While no one plans for or wishes to experience an emergency, it’s important to have a plan just in case, especially where our pets are involved.
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