Best places to visit in Lansdowne

Are you planning to visit Lansdowne with your partner and family? Do you know that this place is considered one of the best in India? This town is one of the unexplored places located in Uttarakhand. If you also want to visit this place, then here are the things mentioned below about this town that will help you visit without any stress. We have also told you the best places to visit in Lansdowne.  

List of 5 best places to visit in Lansdowne:

  • Tip in Top Point
  • Kalagarh Tiger Reserve
  • Bheem Pakora
  • Bhulla Taal
  • Bhalugarh Waterfall 

About Lansdowne tourist places with their Information:

best places to visit in Lansdowne include a wide variety of places. Lansdowne famous places are perfect for everyone who looking to explore, thinking about celebrating honeymoon, and wanting to visit with family & friends. 

  • Tip in Top Point: 

Tip in Top Point is a beautiful place where you find nature, beauty and peace. The cleanliness and comfort of this place keep the people happy. It is one of the best places to visit in Lansdowne. 

Location Lansdowne, Bonda, Uttarakhand 
Opening hours Open 24/7 
Phone No. 0135 255 9898 
How To ReachPrivate Vehicle or Taxi 
Best time to visitMarch to June, September to November
Tip in Top Point Lansdowne
  • Kalagarh Tiger Reserve

If you are a wildlife lover, then this is the perfect option for you. In Kalagarh Tiger Reserve, you have the opportunity to see lions, tigers, blue bulls and different types of animals. This place is an ideal place for nature lovers where they can enjoy nature along with animals. 

Location Division, Kotdwar – Lansdowne Rd, Dugadda Range, Uttarakhand 
Timings6-9 AM, 2-4 PM (Sun-Sat)
Phone No. 09837448954 
How To ReachPrivate Vehicle or Taxi 
Best time to visitMarch to June, September to November
Kalagarh Tiger Reserve
  • Bheem Pakora

Bheem Pakora is a unique place where a small pakora is made of a big stone. This natural miracle attracts people and provides visitors with a different experience. 

Location Lansdowne Market Rd, Lansdowne, Uttarakhand
Opening hours Open 24 Hours 
Attractions Explore rock formation, photography, see beautiful views, picnic
How To ReachPrivate Vehicle or Taxi 
Best time to visitMarch to June, September to November
Bheem Pakora
  • Bhulla Taal

Bhulla Taal is a peaceful and historically beautiful place where a beautiful lake attracts every visitor. This place is a source of a unique experience to appreciate nature, where one finds peace. It is among one of the best places to visit in Lansdowne.    

Location Lansdowne, Uttarakhand 
Timings 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Sun-Sat, except Wednesday)
Attractions Enjoy beautiful views, photography, boating,  
How To ReachPrivate Vehicle or Taxi 
Best time to visitMarch to June, September to November
Bhulla Taal
  • Bhalugarh Waterfall

Bhalugarh Waterfall is a natural beautiful place where one can enjoy the waterfall. Here you can also enjoy trekking. This place is perfect for adventure lovers. 

Location Gumkhal, Rishikesh Road, Lansdowne, Uttarakhand 
Opening hours Open 24 Hours 
Attractions Trekking, Natural waterfall, photography
How To ReachPrivate Vehicle or Taxi 
Best time to visitMarch to June, September to November
Bhalugarh Waterfall

What is the best time to visit Lansdowne: 

The best time to visit Lansdowne is between March to June and September to November. During these months the weather is very pleasant, not too cold or hot. This time is perfect for outdoor activities and sightseeing, and you get to enjoy the beauty of nature to its fullest.

List of Famous Food in Lansdowne:

Aloo Ke Gutke

Bhatt Ki Churkani






Jhangora Ki Kheer


Local Pahadi Chicken Curry

What is the best month to visit Lansdowne?

March to June is the best month to visit Lansdowne.

Which are the tourist places near Lansdowne?  

Tarkeshwar Mahadev Temple and Kanvaashram are the tourist places near Lansdowne. 

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